Wacky September “Holidays” To Use For Your Food Brand
A new month means a new content calendar! September is another moment in the year that brings new fresh starts – new school years, new television, new football season, and the arrival of autumn. September is full of great wacky “holidays” especially for food brands. Here are some ideas on how to use these holidays in your food brand’s favor this month.
September 1: Cherry Popover Day
Food brand or food store, a baked good holiday is a good holiday for you! If your brand is related to flour or baking supplies, or especially cherries, go on and post some cherry popover ideas! We also recommend asking your customers to share photos of their creations and/or their favorite recipes. Think about photography! The more beautiful the photo, the more likely you are to interrupt their scroll.
September 2: International Bacon Day
Bacon is having its moment! Besides the obvious sharing photos and recipes, content around bacon products could also be shared. Bacon flavored floss, anyone? If there is a conflict with your brand, stick to recipes and photos. You could even ask for customers to drop a hands up emoji if they had their bacon today!
Sepember 4: Labor Day
It’s important to remember actual holidays for what they are intended (such as the difference between Memorial Day and Veteran’s day). Here are some examples from other brands who successful (and tastefully) celebrated labor day on their social channels.
September 5: Cheese Pizza Day
Pizza lovers will rally behind this one! Spend your day on every social platform you use and dedicate it to pizza: the history of, recipes, toppings, emojis. Make all your customers hungry!
September 6: Read a Book Day
If your brand has a CSR program related to education this is a big opportunity to show your customers how you support the organizations with which you’re involved. You could also use it as a moment to talk about cookbooks, food memoirs, healthy living books, etc.
September 7: National Salami Day
Salami brands, get ready! Challenge your customers to make a cheese dish for an appetizer tonight, share a recipe, show how to use salami in a unique, new or uncommon way.
September 10: Grandparents Day
What recipes did your grandparents always make for you? What foods remind you of your grandparents? Such a fun way to engage your customers! Making them nostalgic creates an emotional connection with your brand. Additionally, challenging your customers to call their grandparents, make them dinner, etc, can be a great way to engage them.
September 10: Swap Ideas Day
If you’re open to hearing what customers have to say about your brand, this can be a great way to get some feedback! Or you can present a challenge to them, such as, what should we do with this spot in our office?
September 13: Fortune Cookie Day
Give everyone in your office a fortune cookie and have them all post photos of their fortune cookies using a branded hashtag! Repost your favorite photos on your social channels.
September 13: Peanut Day
Allergy awareness? Making your own peanut butter? How to boil peanuts? Traditions of peanuts in a ballpark? If it works for your brand there are plenty of angles to take with this one!
September 18: National Cheeseburger Day
Get one more in before fall is here! Ask for recipes, share unique toppings, share ideas to take that all American classic into fall!
September 19: International Talk Like a Pirate Day
How long can your customers do it? Challenge them and find out! We wouldn’t recommend talking ALL day like a pirate on your channels, but the first post or most of the day on Twitter gets our approval.
September 22: First Day of Fall
Is it now socially acceptable to consume all of the pumpkin things? Hopefully if your food brand has pumpkin you’ve already been promoting it, but if you haven’t, now is the time! Tell people to be on the look out and ask them if they’ve started using their pumpkin candles and drinking pumpkin coffee already!

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