Our Thanksgiving Week Content Strategy

Happy Thanksgiving Week! We thought it would be fun to share with you our social media content strategy for the week and tell you a little bit about how we are pulling it off!

What would be fun and interesting content for our audience and team?

This was the first question we asked when trying to come up with content this week. We settled on creating a Thanksgiving survey to hear what our employees loved about the holiday, what they ate, where they spent the day, what their traditions are. We sent this out 1 and a half weeks prior to the holiday to collect the data.

How do we share the info on social media?

Our team puts the “vision” in Vision Creative Group, so we turned to our designers with the data in hand and let them create some fun pieces of content that we could share throughout the week.

What is the cadence and in what order do we share the graphics?

In setting up our survey, we really tried to keep things in order. So, where are you spending Thanksgiving, then how do you prepare the turkey, then a question about sides, a question about dinner. We are going to be following the survey questions primarily since that order make the most sense to us.

Is there anything we can do with the data to bring it to life in the office?

Based on some of the results we thought it would be fun to bring in the staff’s favorite side and dessert! In the office today, we’re going to be enjoying stuffing (out of the box is the office preference) and pumpkin pie.

What can you learn from our strategy?

Plan ahead! The whole process to get to this week of content took over 2 weeks to come up with the survey, distribute, put together results and design content. While we are enjoying stuffing and pie today, you won’t see that photo until later in the week – case in point that you just have to plan ahead!

Where can you see all of our content for the week?

Check us out on FacebookTwitter and Instagram!


How are you celebrating Thanksgiving with your employees? What are you sharing on social media?

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